Tech', le Fer Forgé tech and the wrought iron tech and the wrought iron

       Hello, you are on the page reception of the Company(society) Tech . Specialized in the design   variously iron elements FORGE. Placed on the banks of the Loire, near Saumur in France, we claim ourselves of the purest tradition of the iron beaten in the hand, without however neglecting decoration and so l  Importance   application of ornamental paintings.

         In the middle road enters l  Craft and l  Industry, we are capable of realizing projects scale by protecting the quality of to measure. That  It is there of mini series such as chairs, tables or other furnitures, either of gates except, carry(wear) entered, crawl stair and ballustrades in any kind.

        Let take by this charm millennaire, come to discover our realizations, subject we a project, return visit us on the numerous salons in which we participate. The site on which you are decomposes in the following way:


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